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Competition & Regulation Meetings (2005-2013)

Papers presented at the 9th annual Competition & Regulation Meeting on the topic:

The Interest-Defense in Cartel Offenses

The following papers are listed per conference session:

  • Perspectives
  • Cases
  • Weighing public interests
  • Parallels with other fields

Ludger Breuer (Referendar Oberlandesgericht)

Ludger Breuer (Oberlandesgericht):
European Competition Law in the Force Field of the Cross-Sectional Clauses

Conference session Perspectives

Laurens Ankersmit (VU Free University Amsterdam)

Laurens Ankersmit (VU Free University Amsterdam):
Anti-Competitive Conduct in the Public Interest: A Democratic Legitimacy Approach

Conference session Perspectives

Sonja Keske (Bundeskartellamt)

Sonja Keske (Bundeskartellamt):
Competition Policy and the Public Interest Defense - Perfect Complements or Contradiction in Terms?

Conference session Perspectives

Jotte Mulder (European University Institute)

Jotte Mulder (European University Institute):
Finding the public interest and the case of the Friesien horse.

Conference session Cases

Machiel Mulder (Authority for Consumers & Markets)

Machiel Mulder (Authority for Consumers & Markets):
Competition Lw and Public Interests: The Dutch Agreement on Coal-Fired Power Plants
(joint with Erik Kloosterhuis)

Conference session Cases

Xu Liu (University of Heidelberg)

Xu Liu (University of Heidelberg):
The Public Interest - Defense in Cartel Offenses and Chinese Antimonopoly Law

Conference session Cases

Nicole Rosenboom (SEO Economic Research)

Nicole Rosenboom (SEO Economic Research):

How does article 101(3) TFEU case law relate to EC guidelines and the welfare perspective?

Conference session Weighing public interest

Anna Gerbrandy (Utrecht University)

Anna Gerbrandy (Utrecht University):

Democratic Deliberation: Design of the Competition Law Procedure to Accomodate a Balancing Between Sustainability and Competition Law (with Jan Polanski)

(paper in draft)

Conference session Weighing public interest 

Lukás Tóth (University of Amsterdam)

Lukás Tóth (University of Amsterdam):
Public Goods as a Compensation in Cartel Offenses
(joint with Maarten Pieter Schinkel)

(This paper is not yet available for download)

Conference session Weighing public interest 

Julian Nowag (University of Oxford)

Julian Nowag (University of Oxford):
How to Evaluate Environmental Protection Claims in Competition Proceedings? Lessons from Free-Movement and State Aid Law

Conference session Parallels with other fields

Bruce Wardhaugh (Queen's University Belfast)

Bruce Wardhaugh (Queen's University Belfast):
Crisis Cartels: "Orderly" Downsizing and the Public Interest

Conference session Parallels with other fields  

David Reader (University of East Anglia)

David Reader (University of East Anglia):
Lessons from the Management of Public Interest Considerations in International Merger Control: A Comparative Analysis

Conference session Parallels with other fields