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Research Associates are UvA and non-UvA researchers who participate in the ACLE activities, but do not necessarily promote one of its projects in a proactive manner.

University of Amsterdam

Barbara Abatino

Nik J. de Boer

Antonio Dávola 

Wim Driehuis

Valeria Ferrari - ACLE PhD associate

Aukje H. van Hoek 

Nicolien Janssens - ACLE PhD associate

Merijn van der Lande

Edith Loozen

Marcel G.C.M. Peeters

Joost Poort

Benjamin van Rooij

Michael C. Schouten

Paul Smeets

Oscar Soons

Yasmine van der Straten - ACLE PhD associate

Andrea Titton - ACLE PhD associate

Xinyi Wang - ACLE PhD associate

Marc de Wilde

Radboud G.F. Winkels

Remo Oostdam - ACLE PhD associate

Aarhus University 

Marco Fabbri

Central European University

Mark Warren - CEU PhD candidate

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Titiaan Keijzer

FGV Direito SP

Mariana Pargendler

Sergio Mittlaender

Goethe Universität

Tobias H. Tröger

KU Leuven

Patrick van Cayseele

University of Leeds

Or Brook

Suren Gomtsian

University of Pittsburgh

Adrian Lam

Leiden University

Ross Spence

Jan L. van de Streek

Ilya Korokin

Lund University

Anna Tzanaki 

University of Notre Dame

Patrick Corrigan

University of Oxford

Thom Wetzer

University of Wrocław

Katarzyna Parchimowicz

SKEMA Business School

Florencio Lopez de Silanes Molina

Tilburg University

Joseph A. McCahery

Christoph van der Elst

Anne Lafarre

Erik P.M. Vermeulen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

Jaap Winter