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Fatjon Kaja

Fatjon Kaja, JD, is a Ph.D. candidate at the ACLE and Lecturer in Law and Economics at Amsterdam Law School. As lecturer, he won the Amsterdam Law School's Lecturer of the year award of 2021.
His PhD research, partly funded by the Amsterdam University Fund (AUF) grant "The Societal Role of Corporations", focuses on the ‘Law and Economics of Sustainable Corporate Governance’ and is performed under the supervision of ACLE research members Prof. Alessio Pacces and Prof. Arnoud Boot. Fatjon Kaja holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from City College of New York - CUNY, and a Juris Doctor degree from University of Minnesota Law School. Video of Fatjon Kaja's response to being Lecturer of the year of the Amsterdam Law School:

Fatjon Kaja's response to being Lecturer of the year of the Amsterdam Law School

Former ACLE PhD candidates