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The Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics regularly organises various events such as seminars, meetings, and conferences. These events often feature academics and experts from both the Netherlands and abroad. We gratefully acknowledge the generous funding by the Amsterdam University Fund for some of our seminars/guests.

ACLE events

ACLE Seminar Series: 
This series is a forum for the presentation and discussion of current interdisciplinary research in the field of Law&Economics, broadly construed. Speakers in this series include renowned scholars in the field of L&E. These seminars are lunch seminars which are generally held in hybrid form, i.e. live on UvA campus including lunch, and online via Zoom. Online participation is made possible via an Eventbrite registration link offered on each relevant seminar webpage here

ACLE Internal Seminar Series:
This series is a forum for the presentation and discussion of early interdisciplinary research in the field of L&E, broadly construed. ACLE Research Members, Research Associates and Visiting Scholars can present. Special arrangements for other UvA and external researchers are possible.

Any query about participation and the possibility to present may be directed to

AY 2024-2025:
You will find our upcoming confirmed and tentatively scheduled ACLE Seminars and ACLE Internal Seminars for the acedemic year 2024-2025 here soon! 

Previous ACLE seminars
Click here to go to our previous ACLE Seminars list.