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Research Members promote the ACLE research agenda by sponsoring and actively participating in its projects.
Dr. B. (Balázs) Bodó

Faculty of Law

Information Law

Prof. dr. A.W.A. (Arnoud) Boot

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Dr. J. (Jan) Broulík

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Dr. K.J. (Kati) Cseres

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Prof. dr. G. (Giuseppe) Dari Mattiacci

Faculty of Law

A. (Ádám) Fehér

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Dr. D. (Davide) Grossi

Faculty of Law

Dr. T. (Torsten) Jochem

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

F. (Fatjon) Kaja

Faculty of Law

Prof. dr. E. (Evangelos) Kanoulas

Faculty of Science

Informatics Institute

Prof. dr. C. (Chantal) Mak

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law

Dr. E.D. (Edoardo David) Martino LLM

Faculty of Law

Dr H. (Hossein) Nabilou

Faculty of Law

Prof. A.M. (Sander) Onderstal

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Strategy & International Business

Prof. dr. A.M. (Alessio M.) Pacces

Faculty of Law

Prof. dr. E.C. (Enrico) Perotti

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. dr. M. (Marc) Salomon

Faculty of Economics and Business

Amsterdam Business School

Prof. M.P. (Maarten Pieter) Schinkel

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Economics and Business

Prof. R. (René) Smits

Faculty of Law

Dr S. (Spyridon) Terovitis

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Finance

Prof. J.W.P.M. (Jan Willem) van der Velden

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law

Prof. dr. J. (Jeroen) van de Ven

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Dr. P. (Pushpika) Vishwanathan

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Strategy & International Business

Prof. dr. J.J. (Joël) van der Weele

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Prof. dr. R.J. (Rolef) de Weijs

Faculty of Law

Dep. Private Law

Prof. dr. mr. R. (Rein) Wesseling

Faculty of Law

European Public Law

Dr. A. (Amit) Zac

Faculty of Law