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The ACLE Research Members promote the ACLE research agenda by sponsoring and actively participating in its projects.
The ACLE Research Associates are UvA and non-UvA researchers who participate in the ACLE activities, but who do not - compared to our Research Members - necessarily promote one of its projects in a proactive manner.
Our other (affiliated) staff: Management staff, PhD candidates, Post-Doctoral researchers, Research Assistants and Visiting Scholars.

ACLE Law and Economics section:
Copyright: Ilsoo van Dijk 2021

ACLE Law and Economics (L&E) section:
Core researchers and (support) staff of the ACLE as well as of the Master programme in Law & Finance. Members of this section in 2025: Alessio M. Pacces, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci,  Davide GrossiEdoardo D. Martino, Hossein Nabilou, Amit Zac, Fatjon Kaja, Caitlin Walker-Cerqua, Xinyue Chen, Okke BergersErinda Bostelaar Spaho, and Lorena Zevedei.